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A Compendium of information for Time Travel Enthusiasts


Robert D. Morritt




          When we were young, most of us were probably interested by stories of early exploration by land and by sea, but to many of us it had never occurred there was another mode of travel to consider, that of 'Time Travel' as ludicrous back then it appeared, it now makes more sense with the progress of science since those days. This book is an accumulation of scientific postulations, hypothetical circumstances and in-depth scientific equations that consider the concept, "Is there something out there." We can now add, 'How can we get there?' to that postulation. The fun is in trying to get there, to capture the excitement of the chase, the search for facts and means of solving theoretical questions to make our journey easier. For the armchair 'time-traveler' or for the enthusiast of the unknown, or for those who wish some escape from the present state of affairs.